Hello world!

Just wanted to start this out with a simple post to start off my #100DaysOfCode challenge. What’s a 100-days-of-code challenge, you might ask? I hope you don’t, because it’s obvious. I’ve publicly committed to coding an hour a day (not including my day gig) for 100 days straight. Technically, skipped days are allowed here and… Read more Hello world!

Giving Back to Motivated Sophomores, Career Lunches, (and doing nice things for others)

The opportunity to drop a little knowledge on a handful of high school sophomores presented itself at a career lunch event hosted at Mt. St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD and sponsored by Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership (HOBY). As a software developer in today’s age, I jumped at the opportunity to share some of my experience! #hobymd2014 I regrettably wasted a lot of… Read more Giving Back to Motivated Sophomores, Career Lunches, (and doing nice things for others)