Just wanted to start this out with a simple post to start off my #100DaysOfCode challenge. What’s a 100-days-of-code challenge, you might ask? I hope you don’t, because it’s obvious. I’ve publicly committed to coding an hour a day (not including my day gig) for 100 days straight. Technically, skipped days are allowed here and… Read more Hello world!
Author: david
Giving Back to Motivated Sophomores, Career Lunches, (and doing nice things for others)
The opportunity to drop a little knowledge on a handful of high school sophomores presented itself at a career lunch event hosted at Mt. St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD and sponsored by Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership (HOBY). As a software developer in today’s age, I jumped at the opportunity to share some of my experience! #hobymd2014 I regrettably wasted a lot of… Read more Giving Back to Motivated Sophomores, Career Lunches, (and doing nice things for others)